Sunday, November 30, 2008


The Maharashtra CM Vilasrao Deshmukh and the Deputy CM RR Patil seem to be locked in a battle of wits to figure which of the 2 of them can show greater insensitivity to the Mumbai terror attacks.

RR Patil has the audacity to paraphrase SRK's phrase from a Bollywood starrer and say " bade bade shahron mein ek do haadse hote rehte hain". But not to be outdone Vilasrao Deshmukh (for reasons more than one, lets call him VD, for this acronym fits him perfectly!), decides to bring along his son - Ritesh Deshmukh and his filmmaker friend Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) to his first on-site visit of the attack site at The Taj. Why was his son needed there - Is he a Govt Official - no? He is a mere film actor - how irrelevant in the sombre setting of things.

And why RGV - so that he could hear first hand from officials, the account of the carnage and get some new creative juices flowing for his next 'real-life' gangster movie...How insensitive could this be? Was this a Family and Friends outing for VD? Would he have still brought RGV, if one of his own had died in the attacks?

VD steamrolls himself into our listing of the Top 10 Culprits of Mumbai....not quite at the top though -- he is No 10 on the list.... See site for further updates on the other 9....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Results of the 1st God Bless India Poll -

Thank you for your overwhelming response to the 1st God Bless India poll. Question was
Who is the main culprit for the Mumbai Terror Attacks?
The Options were

  1. Prime Minister - Manmohan Singh
  2. Home Minister -- Shivraj Patil
  3. All Politicians
  4. Pakistan
75% of you picked"All Politicians" as the culprit and 25% picked Manmohan Singh as the culprit.

The results go on to point that Politicians from all streams are responsible for the terror attacks. Because instead of focusing us Indians on development, removal of poverty, improving security to face external threats from Pakistan, China and terrorism they focus the Indian population on petty politics of state, city, region, religion and caste.. Shame on you all Politicians.... Do you realize what you are doing to this country of 1.1 Billion people ???

God please Bless India by getting rid of the current crop of Politicians and replacing them with ones who are focused on India's development and rise as a World Power.

Vande Mataram

Remove Mr RR Patil as Deputy Chief Minster of Maharashtra

59 hours of terror attack, 173 dead (including 15 brave policemen, 2 of the finest NSG commandos), 239 injured, a terror attack being called 9/11 of India.

But Mr RR Patil - Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra is not unfazed. As if to rub salt on fresh wounds of Mumbaikars and all Indians R.R Patil - the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra said today that such incidents of terror do keep happening in a city the size of Mumbai and it was not a security lapse.

This is a shocking and outrageous statement from the Deputy Chief Minister, instead of taking responsibility and offering full support to build a more secure Maharashtra he brushes it off as an incident. It is time that Congress Leadership (Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, Rahul Gandhi and likes) took such heartless leaders to task, who if do not know what to do to improve the lives of Indians know at least how to behave in such a critical crisis. Such leaders should be immediately removed from their positions and banned for life from any such political positions..

Who is to Blame? Well I think we cannot blame the Deputy CM but ourselves. Because he is incompetent enough that he does not know what to say ... how to manage a state ...... but it is all of us to be blamed ....Ourselves, because we have elected such an individual as an MLA and he made it to the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra. An individual who does not feel apologetic at such a tragedy. Why do we elect the individuals who have no heart, no senses, no emotions and instead a greed, greed for absolute power and who want to stick to it at any cost from any party .......

Mr Patil -- what if you and your family were in this tragedy would you have said the same thing -- such incidents keep happening in a city like Mumbai?

Oh God -- please bless India (and Mumbai) with politicians who have heart, politicians who want to serve (not their personal interests) but the people of India.

Vande Mataram, God Bless India

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shobhaa De: Enough is enough

Shobhaa De: Enough is enough: "thinking"
Enough Is Enough

Thank You Shobha De for coining this battle cry for a resurgent India. Read her post at

It is indeed tragic that Indians cannot expect any kind of security from Indian politicians. Politicians like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who are worse than eunuchs and can neither guarantee security to Indians but worse do not have the guts to rally the country at this time of crisis.

Our respected Prime Minister Manmohan Singh does not have the courage to face the country, infact might be thinking of the impact of these terror attacks on his party's poll fortune more than the safety of Mumbaikars. Imagine, neither Manmohan, nor Sonia, nor Rahul Gandhi have addressed the nation at this time of crisis. Prime Minister and Sonia Gandhi have made usual statements (from an off beat script) like before and both feel that this is enough....Thank you Mr Prime Minister for making every Indian feel so insecure in his/ her own country.

Mr Prime Minister the country asks you the following questions -- please answer them if you have any inch of heart that beats for India.

  1. Why is it that you do not have the guts to come out and address the country at this crucial time?
  2. Why is that you do not have the courage to call out that Pakistan is behind this big terror attack?
  3. Why is that your brain does not think of calling up the PM and President of Pakistan and ask that Azhar Mehmood and Dawood Ibrahim be handed to India or Pakistan's hollow claims of support will be exposed?
  4. Why does your heart not cry on seeing so much destruction in India? If it does (I do not believe it) why do you seem so helpless to take any action?
  5. Does your blood not boil when you see terror attacks one after the other taking innocent civilian and security personnel's lives?
  6. What are you waiting for ?
  7. When will you act against terror?
  8. When will you break away from minority appeasement and take firm actions and enact tough laws to control terror activities?
  9. Are you waiting for a nuclear attack by these terror outfits or even worse the complete destruction of India?
  10. Do you not understand that doing right by the country of India (that is protecting each and every life of India citizens) will get you more votes than minority appeasement policies?
  11. How do you sleep at night knowing that so many young security personnel are losing their lives everyday for India?

I am certain Mr Prime Minister that one day India which will throw the current politicians away (including you who is better off teaching at a college or school) and bring a new breed of politicians committed to bringing about security and pride to all Indians.

India, the largest democracy in the world is being put to shame by the politicians like you, who, for their petty reasons have made the country a guinea pig for all Islamic Terrorist activities.

Vande Mataram, God Bless India