Friday, November 28, 2008

Enough Is Enough

Thank You Shobha De for coining this battle cry for a resurgent India. Read her post at

It is indeed tragic that Indians cannot expect any kind of security from Indian politicians. Politicians like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who are worse than eunuchs and can neither guarantee security to Indians but worse do not have the guts to rally the country at this time of crisis.

Our respected Prime Minister Manmohan Singh does not have the courage to face the country, infact might be thinking of the impact of these terror attacks on his party's poll fortune more than the safety of Mumbaikars. Imagine, neither Manmohan, nor Sonia, nor Rahul Gandhi have addressed the nation at this time of crisis. Prime Minister and Sonia Gandhi have made usual statements (from an off beat script) like before and both feel that this is enough....Thank you Mr Prime Minister for making every Indian feel so insecure in his/ her own country.

Mr Prime Minister the country asks you the following questions -- please answer them if you have any inch of heart that beats for India.

  1. Why is it that you do not have the guts to come out and address the country at this crucial time?
  2. Why is that you do not have the courage to call out that Pakistan is behind this big terror attack?
  3. Why is that your brain does not think of calling up the PM and President of Pakistan and ask that Azhar Mehmood and Dawood Ibrahim be handed to India or Pakistan's hollow claims of support will be exposed?
  4. Why does your heart not cry on seeing so much destruction in India? If it does (I do not believe it) why do you seem so helpless to take any action?
  5. Does your blood not boil when you see terror attacks one after the other taking innocent civilian and security personnel's lives?
  6. What are you waiting for ?
  7. When will you act against terror?
  8. When will you break away from minority appeasement and take firm actions and enact tough laws to control terror activities?
  9. Are you waiting for a nuclear attack by these terror outfits or even worse the complete destruction of India?
  10. Do you not understand that doing right by the country of India (that is protecting each and every life of India citizens) will get you more votes than minority appeasement policies?
  11. How do you sleep at night knowing that so many young security personnel are losing their lives everyday for India?

I am certain Mr Prime Minister that one day India which will throw the current politicians away (including you who is better off teaching at a college or school) and bring a new breed of politicians committed to bringing about security and pride to all Indians.

India, the largest democracy in the world is being put to shame by the politicians like you, who, for their petty reasons have made the country a guinea pig for all Islamic Terrorist activities.

Vande Mataram, God Bless India


Vandana said...

We, the People of India, demand accountability and transparency in the national security affairs. All the Politicians/officers whose negligence and incompetence is leading to such repeated terrorist attacks in our motherland ARE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE just as those terrorists/terorrist organisations or the hostile neigbouring country of India.
WE, the People of India, demand the resignation of the Home MInister for failing to protect the security and sanctity of India. Let the heads of Politicans roll so that they learn to be more responsible and accountable to the PEOPLE OF INDIA.
We are sick and tired of the cliched mutterings of the 'resilience' and 'spirit' of India. LETS UNITE AND SHOW THE REAL SPIRIT OF INDIA. AND the real spirit of India lies in uniting demanding action and overthrowing all incompetent officials and politicians. WE, the people of India, need to arise, awake and take RESPONSIBILITY of the country on our own shoulders.

Vandana said...

WE, the people of India, whether residing within India or outside NEED TO DEMAND.

(i) Resignation by the Home Minister and CHief Minister of Maharashtra for such a massive failure.
(ii) To enquire why such an intelligence failure took place in the first place? To have a well-defined ACTION PLAN for TERRORISM PREVENTION AND POST-ATTACK MANAGEMENT.
(iii)To create a SINGLE agency responsible for Terrorism and insurgency so that there is better coordination between intellicgency sources, and state level organisations.
(iv) To equip our police forces with state-of-the art weapons. SO that no more police lives are lost. Why the ATS chief had a simple gun when he went to confront the terorrists? Why he had an ill-fighting bullet-proof jacket?
(v)To train and prepare commando forces and station them in major cities of India. So, that never again 9 hours take for a commondo force to reach the place of incident.